Two Things Great Designers Care About
There are lots of debates and discussions about what makes a great designer, There are three great design themes: making something beautiful, making something easier, and making something possible, Design is like cooking, Everyone can get better and make good meals but not everyone is going to be a chef, Design is both how it looks and how it works. Because how it looks indicates how it works. Design isn’t just about problem-solving, it’s about creating a more humane future.
Great Designers Care About “People”
We make things for people, Because we’re making stuff for others, we need to care about and understand them.
Great designers understand people on intellectual and emotional levels
Behavioral science: Behavioral scientists study when and why individuals engage in specific behaviors by experimentally examining the impact of factors such as conscious thoughts, motivation, social influences, contextual effects, and habits. Several disciplines fall under the broad label of behavioral science,
Empathy: Designers need to build empathy for their users in order to take the right course of action. It’s important to understand how the user feels when interacting with a certain product or interface; does the layout of this website evoke feelings of frustration? What emotions does the user go through when navigating this app? In building empathy, designers can create products that truly please the user and make their lives easier. Without this empathy, the design process lacks that all-important user-centricity which often marks the distinction between product success and failure.
Great Designers Care About “Authenticity”
On a personal level, authenticity is about doing what we believe in, On a design level it’s about making sure the things we create actually do what they need to do, Consumers are losing brand trust — they’re searching for authenticity, but are coming up short,
The authentic design is about using materials without masking them in fake textures, showcasing their strengths instead of trying to hide their weaknesses. Authentic design is about doing away with features that are included only to make a product appear familiar or desirable but that otherwise serve no purpose,
By taking fake and masking their weakness many companies lose more than $100 billion, so don’t do it like this and stay focused on authenticity branding,